
Newgreen Tech is a biotech company that strives to lead Taiwan into a future that is healthy, ecological responsible and sustainable.
We recognizes that
1. Global warming and air pollution have a significant impact on humanity2. An average person stays indoor 90% of the day.
3. Every year 7 millions premature deaths linked to air pollution
4. Every year, 350,000 die from asthma every year
5. The latest statistics from 2014 indicate that a new cancer case is diagnosed in Taiwan every 5 minutes and 6 seconds, which is 12 seconds faster than the previous year.
6. Air quality influences health and quality of life
Climate anomalies, natural disaster and food shortages will become major problems that mankind will encounter. Even though technology advancement has extends the life of people and facilitates global interactions, it has also created major problems such as air and water pollution. Fresh air and clean water will eventually become a luxury. We need to work together to promote the concept of prevention over treatment by
1. Reducing carbon emission
2. Using green building materials
3. Practicing reduce, reuse, and recycle
4. Minimizing or eliminating the source of pollution.
Our mission
1. to advocate the idea of prevention over treatment
2. to provide correct and rapid prevention methods through professional and technical air quality detection
3. to create an indoor air quality system DJIM (Detection, Judgement, Improvement, and Maintenance)
4. to provide professional, customized solutions